Enzymatic Analysis Test Kits from Unitech Scientific
These Test Kits are all supplied in three convenient sizes - 25, 75 & 250 tests for use in manually operated conventional spectrophotometers. The same kits can be utilised without modification on Discrete Analysers such as ChemWell for Wine and ChemWell-T. As these analysers typically use very small aliquots of each reagent it is not unusual to be able to perform 7 - 10 times the number of tests indicated on the label. For example an L-Malic 25 Test kit may perform 175 - 250 tests on an autoanlayser.
Each kit also includes appropriate standards for calibration together with instructions for use.
Unitech Scientific Test Kits have been available in New Zealand for a number of years and are now exclusively supplied by Rubie Consulting Ltd. Having been the enzymatic test kit of choice by much of the USA wine industry they are quickly finding application here in NZ.
Contact us for further information, availability and pricing.
Phone Steve on 021-498-364 or email me at steve@rubie.com